As the restrictions are starting to lift, many of us are wondering when the gyms/leisure centres will re-open.
It has been reported that many people have been exercising more during lockdown and may never actually return to the gyms once they re-open.
I haven’t been working out at home (see my latest post about my back injury). In the last few weeks, I have started going out for a 3 mile walk everyday and doing a little bit of Pilates. However, before this year I have tried to workout at home, when I’ve been rushed for time and not been able to get to the gym.
Going to the gym rather than working out alone at home serves many purposes. I like to get “in the Zone” and I thrive off other people’s energy.
Going to the gym can be an escape from reality or an opportunity to lose or even find yourself.
Once you put your headphones in you can switch off from the world, escape from the daily grind and be in your own thoughts.
Every time I go to the gym I ALWAYS come out feeling better.
Many of the friends I have now I have met in the gym, where I started my career in the fitness industry in 2012. I have completed workouts where I’ve got so much going on in my head, I haven’t even made eye contact with anyone, I’ve physically exhausted myself and felt euphoric afterwards. On the other hand, I have also had conversations with people in the gym that have changed my life. The gym has been a huge social network for me building a business. If I needed a web developed someone knew one, if I needed an accountant- someone knew one. Every person that is connected to my business I have either met at the gym or through someone at the gym.
I can’t wait to be able to open my doors again at my fitness studio and get back to the gym to see lots of new and old faces that I can help on their fitness journey! While we wait for more guidance I thought it would be useful to share the current guidelines & what we may expected when the gyms re-open.
Current guidelines for Personal Trainers:
1.That all sessions are conducted outdoors
2.That the session is with no more than 5 other people + trainer = 6
3.That the trainer or coach stays at least 2 metres away from the clients
4.That strong hygiene measures are enforced at all times.
5.Indoor fitness studios/gyms can open for elite athletes only.
There has never been a more important to get the nation active
So many of us rely on the gyms for motivation, routine and an environment we can workout in. We need to improve our overall health, to protect ourselves by improving our immune system, in order to stay healthy.
Exercise provides so many health benefits, some of those benefits include: improved cardio vascular fitness, stamina, reduced blood pressure, reduced chance of heart disease, strokes, type 2 diabetes, depression, obesity and of course the added benefit of increasing muscle mass, especially important for your biceps!
The gyms could open in July (at the earliest)..
UKactive have put together a ‘roadmap’ for getting the gyms open again, which will be published and offer more clarity on what to expect.
For now I thought it may be helpful to share some information that you may find useful and can begin to get an idea of what it may be like.
Some things that may be put in place when the gyms open:
- Equipment may be spread out and placed 2 meters apart
- Floor markings may be in place to show you where to stand
- Limited number of members allowed in the gym to maintain social distancing measures – this will probably require a booking system with allocated time slots
- Shower facilities will be limited or may not be available until the restrictions are lifted further
- Perspex screens may be put between pieces of equipment
- Changed opening hours to allow for thorough cleaning procedures.
Some gyms have already announced that they will be:
- Doing temperature checks on the door
- Asking you to fill in a self-health check before you enter
- Asking members to wear face masks
- Changing their gym layout to spread out the equipment
- Offer more outdoor facilities for members to train outside
- Cleaning regularly and expecting members to wipe with disinfectant any equipment they use and regular use hand sanitizer
Also.. UKactive claim that according to the World Health Organisation, regularly washings hands is a better precaution than wearing gloves, so they will not be mandatory.
Let’s respect these new guidelines whatever ever they are that need to be put into place to make it a safe environment for everyone.
I can’t wait to see you all again 😀
Charlotte x
Gyms re-open 2020